
California Seeks Comments On Coastal Impact Assistance Plan

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Posted by on November 04, 2008 at 09:57:56:

The California Resources Agency has released the revised draft California Coastal Impact Assistance Plan (Plan) for public comment. Per the Minerals Management Service’s Coastal Impact Assistance Program (CIAP) Guidelines, this public comment period will last 30 days. Following the public comment period, the Resources Agency will revise the Plan based on comments received and then submit a final Plan to the California Governor for approval. Upon the Governor’s approval, the California Resources Agency will submit the final Plan and Governor’s certification of sufficient opportunity for public participation in the development and revision of the draft Plan to the Minerals Management Service (MMS) for its approval.

The federal Coastal Impact Assistance Program, established under the Energy Policy Act of 2005, directs the MMS to distribute $250 million per year for 4 years (i.e., FFY 2007, 2008, 2009, and 2010) among six coastal states and their coastal political subdivisions (CPSs) with oil and gas production in the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) off their coasts. These states include Alabama, Alaska, California, Louisiana, Mississippi and Texas. The purpose of the CIAP is to assist these states and their eligible CPSs in mitigating the impacts due to OCS oil and gas production. California will most likely receive approximately $20.6 million over four years to be divided among 17 coastal counties.

A copy of the Plan can be found at resources.ca.gov/ocean/CIAP.html. A hardcopy of the Plan can be obtained by contacting Kristine Olson at the Resources Agency (916-653-5656) or Kristine.Olson@resources.ca.gov. Comments on the draft CIAP Plan should be sent to: Chris Potter, California Resources Agency, 1416 Ninth St., Suite 1311, Sacramento, CA 95814 or by e-mail to: Chris.Potter@resources.ca.gov. Comments must be received by 1700 HRS on 20 November 2008. For more background information on the CIAP, such as the MMS’s CIAP Guidelines, please visit the following MMS’s CIAP website at the following www.mms.gov/offshore/CIAPmain.htm or contact Chris Potter.

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