
An Actual Dive Report!

Outer Bamnks diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by Max Bottomtime on November 16, 2008 at 14:45:27:

After a two week cold that just wouldn't go away, I forced myself to make a dive on the last day of my vacation. The conditions at Marineland were incredible in places, not so fun in others.
I made an easy entry from Jeff's Rock. The tide was so high that my usual entry point was under six feet of water. The thick kelp lining the reef made the swim to the point take forever. Visibility in the shell zone and the top twenty feet at the point was better than twenty feet of blue water. I had my hopes up. I dropped down at the pinnacles to find five feet of visibility at sixty feet. I left my camera off until I made my way back to the cove. Here it was surgy with a lot of sand stirred up. I fed Abby and did my best to take some lousy photos and video.
I stopped off at the Beast, the fishing net that has been haunting Marineland for a couple of years. It's now just behind the surf zone, waiting to grab the fins of unsuspecting divers. I recovered Divebum Don's Pelican float, or at least what's left of it.
Water temperature was 57F, but it was very refreshing after making a half hour surface swim in smokey 83F. This was the first time I've gotten chapped lips while diving.
Serpula columbiana

Hidden sculpin

Cone snail




The Beast

Abby videos

Follow Ups:
  • Wow! Jeff Shaw 17:05:20 11/16/08 (3)

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