
Speigel Grove Wreck Diving

Outer Bamnks diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by Ray Lightbourne on December 09, 2008 at 08:50:43:

AQUA SPORTS, INC. is an "Elite SCUBA Diving & Rescue Training Institute." Offering world class dive experiences and training. With its highly qualified team of professional instructors offering unparallel tour such as wreck penetrations, high interaction dive with stingrays, sharks, dolphins, turtles, eels and many more, we endeavour to make your trip the most extraordinary and unforgettable. And as for this great holiday season Aqua Sports, Inc wants to give back, offering you 20% off any trip or course that you purchase now through December 31, 2008.
In our effort to continually offer only the best to the diving public we are giving you a chance to dive one of the world most renown super wreck, The Spiegel Grove, for only $49.99, That’s right, for such a low price we are giving you a chance to dive this magnificent wreck as a part of a 2 tank dive for only $49.99.
Dive the second largest shipwreck in the United States. This 510 foot, retired U.S. Navy vessel, is considered by most divers to be the most awesome shipwreck in the United States. There is so much to see that it can't even been thoroughly explored in even a dozen dives! This shipwreck sits perfectly upright in 130 feet of water, with most to the shipwreck superstructure located at a mere 80 feet of depth. See lush coral reef, big sea life, countless tropical fish, and a beautifully preserved and intricate military vessel. Skilled and properly certified divers may penetrate this enormous shipwreck.
Purchases for this special are to be bought by December 31 and uses by March 1st to remain valid, for booking and additional information:
Contact Aqua Sports, Inc at 619-283-0269 or email at customerservice@aquasportsinc.com

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