
Re: Re: Re: Liburdi's Closing

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Posted by Carlos L. on December 09, 2008 at 17:13:51:

In Reply to: Re: Re: Liburdi's Closing posted by Ranslow on December 08, 2008 at 17:48:54:

From: liburdi@pacbell.net
Date: Mon, Sep 8, 2008 at 9:10 AM
Subject: Liburdi's Scuba Showroom blowout 50 70% off 2 DAYS LEFT

... 2 days left Doors close Tuesday night 7pm ...

From: Joe Liburdi
Date: Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 7:33 PM
Subject: News from Joe Liburdi


News Flash! A Farewell to LSC

After many years of serving the diving public, Liburdi’s Scuba Center in Costa Mesa has closed. As you probably already know, I retired from “active duty” four years ago. Matt assumed ownership of the shop with only occasional help from me on the underwater photo front. The Camp has not been a booming retail center, to put it mildly. With our economy on the skids and expenses on the rise, it was not good business to continue.

The closing of another Pro Dive Store will have an impact on the local diving community. It is hard for me to be objective here, but I was a retailer since 1972, and I believe our longevity was due to the dedication and personal service me, my partner in Seattle Harry Truitt, and my sons Matt and Marlon provided. On-line retailers cannot provide the expert equipment knowledge and the personal attention we did. They do not provide the expert repair service of the life support equipment that needs constant evaluation and maintenance. They can never inspire the confidence a one-on-one-consultation can. They can offer what seems like better prices because they don’t have the overhead a retail shop has. I for one don’t think sacrificing service and expertise to save a few dollars is a good deal.

As another Pro Dive Store closes, so does another teaching facility. The day may come when we have no one left to teach the new generation on how to dive. That will be a sad day on Earth.

Need I say more? Support your local Pro Dive Store. LSC is gone but there are still a handful of dedicated retailers in our area to serve you. It may cost you a few dollars more for the services, but in the long run we will all benefit and the diving industry may survive. Tell them Joe sent you.


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