
Here's one you might like too... Code included

JuJee Beads, handmade flamework glass beads

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Posted by seahunt on December 26, 2008 at 08:33:20:

In Reply to: Re: Pic Test - Allow Javascript on your browser posted by Max Bottomtime on December 25, 2008 at 22:05:57:

You might like this better.
Here's another one and code. Just put in angle brackets '<', '>' at the ends. It has
to be a single string of text even if it automatically wraps. You have to be aware of
your picture size. Both pics of the hummingbird are the same size to avoid the image
jumping around... Actually, if you set the height and width, it wouldn't matter much
if the pics were a little different in size. With a bit more code you can make nice
transitions, but on the BBS, only inline code will work... I think. Make sure each
image id is unique.
Get it while it's hot! Double your image capability without adding real estate!
Enjoy, seahunt

img src="a/IMG_1991a.jpg" id="img1" width="200" height="100" onMouseOver= "getElementById('img1').style.width=960; getElementById('img1').style.height=500;" onMouseOut="getElementById('img1').style.width=200; getElementById('img1').style.height=100;"

img src="a/1IMG_2433b1.jpg" id="imgBird" onMouseOver= "getElementById('imgBird').src='http://diver.net/seahunt/sr08/a/1IMG_2433b2.jpg';" onMouseOut="getElementById('imgBird').src='http://diver.net/seahunt/sr08/a/1IMG_2433b1.jpg';"

Howz this?

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