
Death of Harvey Schmiedeke

Great Dive Trips at Bargain Prices with the Sea Divers

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Posted by Andrew Lee on January 03, 2009 at 13:17:45:

Harvey Schmiedeke passed away this afternoon in San Pedro - around 1:10pm. He had just completed a dive on Ship Rock and when he came aboard the Psalty 5, he complained of a pain between his shoulder blades in his back and went to lie down. No one thought anything of it at the time. After a little while, Gary Jackson went to check on Harvey and found him not breathing. CPR was started immediately while Gary raced the boat back to the Chamber (less than 6 minutes) where they continued trying to revive Harvey to no avail. It is believed he may have suffered a massive heart attack. It is anticipated that services will be early next week, but no information is available at this time.

Harvey was a founder and President of Sunken Treasures Society of Los Angeles one of the sink groups of Southern California Ships to Reefs where he also served as a board member. Although his business interests required him to step back from an active role, his leadership and guidance in both organizations will be sorely missed.

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