
The whole, ugly story

Outer Bamnks diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by Max Bottomtime on January 06, 2009 at 21:37:41:

In Reply to: Our friend Min Bottomtime for now :~( posted by Divebum Don on January 06, 2009 at 18:29:24:

Last Sunday the trail at Marineland was muddy. I hauled two sets of gear down the hill, only to find unfavorable dive conditions. After hauling the wagon back up the trail the tires were caked in mud. I decided to ride the wagon down a steep street to get mud from the tires. About halfway down I realized I was picking up too much speed. I tried to stop Fred Flintstone style, but rather then skid, my feet went under the tires, flipping me forward to the street. I tried to roll to avoid further injury, but the wagon on my feet stopped me from rolling. Even worse, I continued sliding about five feet. I have multiple abrasions on my heels, ankles, shins, hands, right forearm, elbow, bicep and shoulder. As soon as I stood up I knew I had broken my foot. I'll be in a cast for at least four weeks.
My application to Mensa was returned unopened.

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