
Many, many, thanks to the divers.

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Posted by Elaine on January 12, 2009 at 21:22:57:

In Reply to: Divers cut away at net that has been killing marine life posted by on January 12, 2009 at 20:03:16:

Granted, I got a chuckle as read about the divers on "laughing gas" today. It was more creative than the usual press accounts of divers being on oxygen. Other than that, I thought the story was well done, but maybe didn't emphasize the tragedy of a wayward gill net enough and the pictures of starfish in peoples hands didn't quite have the impact of seeing sea lions etc. suspended mid water column choked to death by the netting.

Had the reported been a diver - I think they would have painted a harsher picture of the "killing fields" for marine life created by these wretched indiscriminate killing machines.

Kuddos to all of the divers who were literally risking their lives to dismantle and remove this net.

If anyone didn't catch it the first time, here is the link to my encounter with one of these things. It changed my innocence about them for life.


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