
Re: Aga Mask

Outer Bamnks diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by PwderbySCUBA on January 31, 2009 at 16:56:52:

In Reply to: Aga Mask posted by Jim on January 30, 2009 at 19:06:21:

To answer your q: Depending upon what you consider a "a few years ago," i.e, within the recent 10 years--then yes--they are essentially the same! I own what the "darth-diver" black silicone AGA full face mask with the ABV, which is the current mask. Despite it's last of comm, I'd only add it if I had the right bud, or if I happend to find myself on some type of Disc. Channel diver flick! The only b*t*h with this mask is equalizition--my best buds seem to like it though when I let them try a taste of Swedish dive'ngineering! I love my AGA! BooYahh! And BTW, to the bud who purchased the AGA @ Scuba.com in the showroom as I'd admired your new toy (two years ago)--guess who got one a few months later! I remember you asking about equiping yours with the mounted light system for bug hunting..... Hit me up man! LOL ;)

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