
Dive Report: Anacapa aboard the Peace : Feb 8, 2009

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Posted by Chris on February 13, 2009 at 20:01:09:

Last Sunday February 8, 2009 I went to Anacapa Island aboard the Peace. It was the boat’s first trip out this year. It was a split charter with Anacapa Dive Center having half the boat, and the other half an open boat. All of the divers from the Anacapa Dive Center were part of an Advanced Certification class.

It was a nice morning. You could see snow on the mountains, and we came across a large pod of common dolphin on the trip there.

The wind was blowing up the channel and the front side of the island, the back side was fine.

Our first two dives were at or near a site called Coral Reef. This is a pretty site with many purple gorgonians. On the second dive the wind and the current came up a bit, but everyone made it back to the boat ok.

The third dive was a spot near the east end of the island called Fish Camp. This area is somewhat overrun with brittle stars (less densely than Santa Barbara Island) but still everywhere. Because I was using Nitrox I elected to head out deeper over the sand and found a Sarcastic Fringehead in about 65 feet. It was in a partially buried turban snail shell covered with brittle stars. The sand it had many brittle stars, and the occasional piddock covered with brittle stars.

The last site I do not remember the name, however I should have gone bug hunting instead of taking my camera. There were quite a few legal bugs (2-3 lb. Range) in the many rock piles in 50 to 70 feet.

It was a very nice day of diving. The visibility varied from 20 ft to 50 ft. The water temperature was as varied from 55 °F at 100 feet and 57 °F at 25 feet. It was really quite warm for February.

I had four nice 50 minute+ dives. I was FILO on every dive. The food was great, as was the service which is standard fare aboard the Peace.

I took pictures both on the surface and underwater. Click here to see the underwater and surface photos from Anacapa Island

©2009 Chris Grossman, diver.net

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