
CHAMBER CHALLENGE 2009 - UPDATE #6 - $10,315

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Posted by Chamber Day Committee on April 17, 2009 at 19:02:37:

(Posted 4/17/09 - last updated 4/14/09)

We're into five-digit land with the Challenge!!!!! That's right, we've cracked $10,000. But we've still got a ways to go.

Our latest charge was led by Scuba Schools of America in Montclair with a $500 donation. (Rusty Berry also is a longtime member of the steering committee.) That also means that they will get a half-lit candle (we'll avoid the obvious jokes) on our virtual birthday cake. But we've still got a ways to go and a bunch more candles to light.

When you make a $1000 donation, you not only sponsor a candle, but you'll get your name on that candle on our virtual birthday cake, as well as on a plaque that will be mounted out at our Chamber after the event. (You can also get a half-candle for $500 and you'll be matched with another $500 half-candle sponsor for that particular candle.) Want to give more than $1000? Then you'll get a candle for each multiple of $1000 that you donate.

Best of all, you'll not only raise needed funds for our Chamber, but you'll be invited to our special private Chamber Birthday Bash at the Chamber facilities in Big Fisherman's Cove, which will take place Sunday, October 4.

You'll get transportation to and from the island, a private tour of the Chamber facilities, and lunch with birthday cake for dessert. (And yes, we'll sing "Happy Birthday.") Those who donate $1000 or more will also be invited to do a 165-foot dive in the Chamber itself. (A medical waiver will be required of anyone doing this.)

And if you can't do a candle or a half, whatever you can afford will be greatly appreciated. We've got a long way to go and $11,000 is the next hurdle. So . . .

Who's next??? Who will push us past $11K?????

CHAMBER CHALLENGE 2009 - $10,315 total (Updated 4/17/09 @ 7PM - last updated 4/14)
(* New donors are marked with an asterisk)

Gold ($1,000 and up)
DiveNav, Inc.
Pacific Wilderness
Sport Chalet
Laurie Kasper & Ken Kurtis

Silver ($500-999)
* Scuba Schools of America
Karl Huggins
CA Diving News/The Scuba Show
Dr. Susan Grant

Bronze ($100-499)
* South Orange County Dive Club
* Ocean Adventures
* Lost Patrol Dive Club
* Roy & Linda Houston
Great Escape Charters
Deborah Huh
Nicole Jurisch
In memory of Fran Ollweiler
The Sea Divers
Debbie & Derek Karimoto
Rex Uber
Renee Calderwood
Brock Dewey
Marc Hall
Team CK
Michael Swinney
Kevin Augarten
Susy Horowitz
Walt & Tori Watson
Randy Barker
Jim Haw
Gary Sanders
Henry Gittler
Jerry Nickelsburg

Others (less than $100)
Hedy Henderson

Ken Kurtis
Chairman, Chamber Day/Eve 2009

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