
Re: Pretty neet

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Posted by Gary Hawkins on April 25, 2009 at 11:57:11:

In Reply to: Pretty neet posted by seahunt on April 23, 2009 at 20:57:51:

It's a very cool ROV. Very well suited to this type of deep investigation.

The particles are mainly just particles suspended in the water. Since the LED lights on the ROV are located very close to the camera (to minimize its profile) you get alot of backscatter from the particulate matter. My video setup shows fewer particles because the lights are widely spaced.

That being said, at 12:38sec to 12:41sec in the movie, the particles are actually baby squid jetting over the egg bed. Take a look, it's a very interesting shot and one of the few times you will see these 2mm hatchlings.


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