
MPA sruvey

Outer Bamnks diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by Ken Kurtis on April 26, 2009 at 15:51:37:

If you're interested in having some input, here it is:

California's Marine Protected Areas Monitoring Enterprise invites you to participate in a survey (http://s-rr1m7-127703.sgizmo.com/i/21181e4132462p26332) for a User Needs Assessment (UNA). This UNA is the first step in designing an online information management system that will provide information and monitoring results for California’s marine protected areas (MPAs). The results of the UNA will be used to help identify the desired technical specifications and design of the information system, and determine whether existing systems can meet identified needs efficiently.

The Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA), enacted in 1999, requires the State to design and manage an improved network of MPAs. MLPA goals include protecting marine life and habitats, marine ecosystems, and marine natural heritage. The MLPA also requires monitoring of the MPAs to ensure they are meeting the goals of the Act, to facilitate adaptive management, and to improve understanding of marine systems. The MPA Monitoring Enterprise was established in 2007 to lead development of efficient, cost-effective MPA monitoring that will meet MLPA requirements, and is working closely with the Department of Fish and Game. Development of a monitoring information management system is one element of the Monitoring Enterprise’s work, which also includes leading development of MPA monitoring plans, with current focus on the North Central Coast study region.

Data collected by this survey will be used only for the purposes of this project. Your name, email, and all other personal information will not be made available to any other parties or used for any other purpose. Your responses will be kept confidential, and not included in any publicly-available report.

You can only take the survey once; we estimate the survey will take less than 30 minutes. After the survey, brief preliminary results will be available for your perusal. Final results will be available in a report from the Monitoring Enterprise. We will send you one follow-up reminder email. If you complete the survey, you will be sent an email when the UNA report is available for online download.

1. Go to the following website:
2. Sign in with this email address.
3. If this email has been forwarded to you by someone else, or you are using a different email address, you will be asked to click on a separate link, but you will be taking the same survey.

Please forward this email to anyone else you think might be interested in participating in the survey or could make a useful contribution to this project.

Thank you,

Marine Protected Areas Monitoring Enterprise User Needs Survey


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