
Re: Yahoo!!!!

AquaFlite Custom Wetsuits, Dive Skins, and Dive Parkas

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Posted by Dave on May 17, 2009 at 14:47:15:

In Reply to: Yahoo!!!! posted by seahunt on May 12, 2009 at 21:18:27:

All the stuff we had around us was a good influence. I was flying hang gliders at 13 years old.

And yes, skateboards too....skateboards though were just for those of us who were surfer wannabees till we could afford a real surfboard, then to get around without worrying about a bike getting stolen by some cretin.

But skateboards were always about surfing, carving, and sometimes asphalt pearling...all while calling buddies "dude" and listening to Led Zeppelin of course.

Venice High had these 20 degree asphalt embankments next to the track field that were at least a 100 feet long, the perfect long asphalt wave to carve and shred.

Now skateboarding is bizarre. It is about grunge, trash, black clothes, baseball hats turned sideways for the congenitally symmetry challenged, flipping the skateboard in place, and trying to smash the 'nads on some meaningless bannister railing while your "possee" uploads you losing your ability to father children onto YouTube in HD, all as a show of comraderie.

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