
Re: DFG is funded at least mostly by hunting and fishing licenses.

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Posted by robert on June 04, 2009 at 19:08:09:

In Reply to: DFG is funded at least mostly by hunting and fishing licenses. posted by Chuck Tribolet on May 31, 2009 at 16:41:36:

Think again they will raid the fish and game fund too at 40 million.When i dont have any place to fish i will not buy another fishing license.
With the threat of mlpa and seeing places i fish get their trout stocking cut off due to enviromental politics makes it more likely to pass on the license.I know others who feel the same.

I also do some off roading and seen the green sticker funds cut(which are to support and fund our riding areas) while registration fees rise.they wanted 90 million out of those funds.

Yes i will continue to dive since i mainly shore it might not affect me much but think of other hobbies you have the broke state will take your funds sooner or later.Luckily i have many hobbies from guns to boats.

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