
Bohol, Panglao, Balicasag & Eskaya Resort Review with HD Pics

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Posted by Dave on June 21, 2009 at 09:28:10:

For those that yearn for 82 degree tropical waters, we just finished a 7200 word, 62 photo review of Bohol, Panglao, and Balisacag Island diving in the Philippines.

We had a chance to visit the Caves in Danao in Bohol, so we posted some pics of the inside of the caves, along with some in-flight bat photos, and some REALLY weird giant insect stuff including a millipede about the size of a ball-park frank. The huge creepy cave dwelling spider pic is enough to give some the willies. Those suckers are not quite so lethargic that they make themselves out to be. I think it is a plot to sucker you in, then BAM!!!!!! ;)

There are photos of the tiny tarsiers and other local interesting nature type of excursions too. The singing local village children were adorable too.

Eskaya Resort is probably the fanciest tropical dive resort I will ever go to. Included are photos of the Eskaya grounds, the private pool each Balai has, and photos of their awesome Spa. Plenty of Island photos too. After a long days worth of incredible diving, that Eskaya Spa photo we shot of the girl getting a massage, well, next time could be you!

All 62 review photos are rendered in 120 dpi, so for those of you with HD computer monitors, the photos are superior to 72 dpi.

When the HD video is done, we will post a link, in the meantime, hopefully this reduced resolution HD video screengrab of these interesting soft coral crabs that cultivate polyps on themslveves will render.

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