
Re: What if....(abs & SCUBA)

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Posted by Eric S on July 11, 2009 at 22:30:03:

In Reply to: What if....(abs & SCUBA) posted by Jeff Shaw on July 11, 2009 at 17:35:26:

It is not illegal to see an abalone on scuba and make a mental note of where it is then go back later with freedive gear and get it.
It is illegal however to touch, disturb, or relocate an abalone while on scuba then go back later with freedive gear and land it. The laws are clear cut and there is no grey area. There is zero tolerance.
It is legal to travel with abalone in your vehicle in possesion of scuba gear. It is illegal however to have someone elses abalone in your car if the total puts you over a daily bag limit.
The abalone have to be attached to the shell and have the tags placed on them. You can only shuck and clean an abalone when it is being prepared for immediate consumtion.

Hope this helps

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