
GWS Star of Scotland, I'm afraid it really was

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Posted by Andy S on August 16, 2009 at 22:06:32:

In Reply to: Re: Dive Report - GWS Star of Scotland posted by Chuck Tribolet on August 16, 2009 at 21:19:56:

The angle is what makes the dorsal fin look more asymetrical as he/she is actually coming toward us a bit. It was really easy to see later as it was 3 - 4 feet from the boat when we were feeding it the dead mackeral. I couldn't/didn't want to believe it and thus I looked carefully at both the caudal peducle to be sure it wasn't a Salmon shark and the insertion point of the pectoral fin. I really thought it would be a Mako but the nose was wrong (too round) and the insertion of the pectoral fin was clearly too far back. It was "easy" to see as the little (compared to his/her future size) fellow was right next to the boat would simply roll over on the mackeral and let it "flow" into its mouth.

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