Posted by seahunt on August 17, 2009 at 10:20:43:
I was able to take a trip recently to San Breedo Island on the Sea Bee. It is not often visited as it is pretty far out there, both west and north of San Miguel Island, but it is some of my favorite areas to visit for the rugged natural beauty. It's always worth the trip if you can find a boat making a run out there. Here are some pictures. I hope you like.  The Sea Bee never looked better. It's old and funky, but a nice dive boat and reasonably equiped.
 Leaving Port Hueneme Harbor. You can see the new Navy radar tower on the left.
 The Santa Barbara shoreline
 The new hottub on the Sea Bee
 Anacapa in the distance
 A nice sunset as we passed Santa Rosa Island
 This looked like a real prospect for a new dive boat for me.
 White Rock
 Pair of sea Gulls in the palm trees
 Nice Sunrise
 Sperm Whale
 Nice kelp bed in cove mouth. Diving was great. Vis was good. Water was chill.
 Another reef with lots of bottom life in the kelp.
 Another very nice kelp bed. We did 2 tanks there.
 Dive spot number 3. You can swim around either rock fairly easily.
 Giant Sand Dunes on the island backside. I think that that is the Wild Wave closer to the island. There was a lot of debris in the water, mostly kelp and sea foam.
 The water was blue blue blue.
 The island isn't the biggest of the Channel Islands, but a little telephoto can make it look like it is.
 Someone said that this plant is edible. It is certainly pretty.
 It was a little hard to see, but the color says Garabaldi to me.
 Yes, it was cool water, but nice.
 Anchovy Bait Ball
 Unfortunately as we were leaving, there was a very loud noise and it appears that a large meteor struck the island. There was nothing left above the water and I suspect that the good diving there is a thing of the past for at least a few months. We were able to ride in the wave it caused and made shore remarkably fast. One person retreived a small piece of the meteor that broke off and landed in the hot tub. Curiously it glowed green. Curiously, so did everyone's eyes as we disembarked at the dock. It was a trip we will all remember.
Enjoy the diving, seahunt seahunt Diving For The fun Of It