
Re: Re: 20091010 Gerstle Cove, Salt Point State Park, Sonoma County

Scuba Diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by Tao H on October 13, 2009 at 14:09:56:

In Reply to: Re: 20091010 Gerstle Cove, Salt Point State Park, Sonoma County posted by Eric S on October 12, 2009 at 20:40:46:

Darn, there goes traffic on Hwy 1. lol

For video, I'm just using the video mode of my digital camera. It's a Powershot A610 made by Canon that I've had for a few years now.

What's helped a lot with the colors in my videos is to use Custom White Balance. Auto White Balance is going to give you video that's dark green and just ugly and difficult to correct on the back end. Sometimes I wonder if the colors are too warm in my videos, maybe I need to calibrate white balance against a different shade of gray/white. For the calibration, I often use sand. In the video I shot at Gerstle, I calibrated using Ericson's SCUBA tank. I've brought dive slates down for calibrating but they get in the way and just are cumbersome.

It also helps to have a wide angle lens so that you can compose/fill the frame without having to put so much distance between the camera and the subject. Whether or not you can mount a wide angle lens will depend on if your housing can accept it.

I still wonder just what kind of photos/videos I could have brought back if I had brought my camera down with me when we were at Cortes Bank during Bugzilla. That 100-ft+ vis and all that life swimming about out there was just amazing.

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