
OML Long Point 11/6/09 (EPIC VIS!)

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Posted by Lee on November 06, 2009 at 20:49:24:

Date: 11/6/09
Dive Location: OML Long Point
Buddy(ies): Angelique
Time: 9:19 am.
Bottom Time: 50 Min
Max Depth: 68 fsw
Vis: Epic 40 Feet Plus!!
Wave height: 1-2 Feet
Temp at depth: 61 F
Surface Temp: 65F

Today was truly epic regarding the visibility at the point. When we walked down to the shoreline we noticed that the waves were not too bad at all. The entry did require proper timing but this is nothing new. After we both entered and kicked out a bit we decided that we would spend all of our time at Ted’s Pinnacle and then work our way back for a point exit.

When looking down through the kelp, we noticed that we could easily see the bottom. As we worked our way to the end of the kelp where our drop point was, we could still see the bottom. This by far was the best and clearest visibility I have ever seen at the point!! It was simply AMAZING!!

We dropped and started our westward journey towards the pinnacles. As we were moving along we took our time taking in the view. I think we were both kind of stunned because we have both never seen it this good. At the 55 foot mark, I was slightly behind Angelique watching her navigating the way. It was funny to watch her stop, look around to the left wondering where the pinnacles were. She had the slumped defeated body language going on….lol. The good news was that I spotted Ted’s to the right so I had to come up behind her and point her in the right direction. We were about 40 feet away and there it was in all it’s glory.

Life around the pinnacle was teaming with fish, all types, almost too many to mention. We met up with the Lady Of The Garden to pay our respects and then began circling the pinnacle looking for critters.

When it was time to go back, the surge began to kick up pretty bad. At 30 feet as the kelp began to get thicker, we were fighting the current to get back. Luckily, we came upon a line from a lobster trap so we just hung out there to do our deco stop before trying to make our exit.

For our exit, it went pretty smoothly. Once again, with the proper timing, anything is possible.

Below are some pictures and videos, ENJOY!

Here is the Lady

We came upon a free swimming large sized Octo. Enjoy the 2 vids.


Here are the conditions today:

Here are the conditions for this weekend BE CAREFUL OUT THERE!:

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