
Re: When not to dive Marineland

JuJee Beads, handmade flamework glass beads

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Posted by Divebum Don on December 02, 2009 at 06:54:42:

In Reply to: When not to dive Marineland posted by Max Bottomtime on November 29, 2009 at 12:07:21:

Saturday PM, Steve Smith and me made our way’round the PV peninsula looking for a good spot to surf. While deciding weather to suit up at Abalone Cove we heard the distinctive sound of PsssssssssssssssssssssssssTTT behind us at the “lookout” parking lot (we’re to cheap to pay the $5 parking, and to lazy to park at my house :) …”Was that a SCUBA cylinder”? ……Really?? Hmmmm???…. We both turn with wide wonder to see an older gentleman proceeding to slip a BC over a Sport Chalet tank, and strap it in place, Huh?? We pause…. “Well, maybe he’s from the Japanese International Beach Diving Team” or “a VERY experienced local bug hunter” that we’d never encountered??? I’ve just gotta to know, there’s no lifeguards here during Winter months, and I’d really rather go surfing.

With all due respect and tacked I queried the well dress man as to weather he’d “dived out here before?” Much to our relief he explained that he’d only wanted to hike the trail down with his BC gear on for fun and fitness sake. Ahhh, very cool and ambitious! We informed him of the excellent amenities for divers up the road at Terranea, and extended a warm welcome for him to come out and join the fold on any Sunday. He was slight of build, but very enthusiastic and by the time we headed out, he’d decided to leave and go hiking at OML instead of Ab Cove trail. He wasn’t from here, but he wasn’t from Kansas ;-) We’re glad he’s smart and safe.

I know Surf Chick Merry wanted to paddle out too ;~) Dive’or’Surf, what an interesting business idea? Hmmmm…..


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