
I'm thinking of coming down (have plates)

AquaFlite Custom Wetsuits, Dive Skins, and Dive Parkas

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Posted by Eric S on December 04, 2009 at 18:46:54:

Hello everyone,

I'm looking at maybe doing a trip down south the weekend right before Xmas. That would be December 19, 20, 21.
I have a whole new run of Freedom Plates I'm bringing down and I'll be making some good cash deals :) Just in time for that special person that needs some new dive gear.

I'll be doing some shore diving and also want to get to OML if the conditions are right. Hopefully it won't be as nasty as it was the other day with the guys from Kansas.

I would like to set up a place and time to mmet up with anybody that want's a plate like Vet's let's say. I remember selling plates out of the back of muy P/U on the down low like some sort of contraband. It seemed to work out well.

How about:
Saturday, December 19th at 3:00 PM in the Veterans memorial park parking lot. Look for a 2002 Red Toyota Ext. cab pick up with a shell.
This tentative right now. I still need to see who is interested.

You can contact me personally via email at:
ericsedletzky at yahoo dot com
or call me (707) 318-2577
for more details.


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