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Scuba Diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by halibug on December 06, 2009 at 15:20:53:

After all these years, we made our first dive at Marineland. My buddy Johnny c. and I walked down to the Point. We met Psycho along the way, he was cool enough to give us a pointer, I mean warning, about where to enter in the mild surf. I will have to say, this was a very nice dive, great kelp bed and interesting bottom terrain. I now see what all the reports are talking about. We finished at the cobble beach for an uneventful exit. Vis was 15' at the point, 6-8 off the beach. To complete the oml experience, we got to meet Max and Merry walking down with our dive buddies Rick and Susie. A very fun day.

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