
Torpedo californica (Pacific Electric Ray) locations

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Posted by Chris on January 09, 2010 at 12:50:55:

In Reply to: Re: Dive Report: Sea Divers trip to Santa Barbara Island on Dec 5-6, 2009 posted by Shawn B on January 07, 2010 at 12:27:12:

I have seen Torpedo californica (Pacific Electric Ray) at all eight of the channel islands, Farnsworth Bank, Cortes Bank, off of Palos Verdes, and at some of the pinnacles off of San Miguel Island. There is a deep spot (~145') off of Yellowtail Point on the front side of Catalina where I have regularly seen large congregations of them laying in the sand.
This was the first time I got in front of one to take pictures. Fortunately they are usually slow moving so I could swim faster, get the shot, and then move out quickly.

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