
Re: Things you have found underwater

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Posted by halibug on March 10, 2010 at 09:40:10:

In Reply to: Things you have found underwater posted by JohnC on March 08, 2010 at 19:08:57:

I guess the most unusual thing I ever found underwater was a deer skull with the antlers attached, this was at Aliso Reefs Laguna after El Nino Rains so I assume it was from a dead deer that washed down the creek. One dive at Victoria Beach Laguna we started to find huge chunks of blubber and skin draped across the reefs, we later figured out that this was the remains of a dead whale deteriorating. My dive buddy Tom came across the carcass of a small whale in the Redondo canyon, I did not see it, but was diving that night. Then there is dive gear, I still use the pole spear I found while diving P.V. on a bug dive on board the Sand Dollar dive boat. My buddy still uses the pole spear I found at Crescent Bay Laguna, these two spears have landed many Halibut up to 25lbs. Add to that many masks and snorkels, knives, even a couple of dive lights, one I still use as a backup in my BC. Also two trident squeeze to open bug bags at Aliso reefs, one still had some bugs alive in it. At Catalina I found a Riffe 6' open water 4 band teak spear gun not from anyone on the trip so I cleaned it up and still own that 600 dollar gun. I also have a large anchor with 20' of chain I recovered this last summer while diving Catalina on the Great Escape, hopefully this will be used when I get my dive boat, dreaming now. The ocean giveth and taketh away.

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