
Things I have lost underwater

Scuba Diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by Nick on March 19, 2010 at 20:20:02:

One of the best posts and threads I've read on this bb recently was "Things I have found underwater."

I'd like to start a similar thread, only with things I've LOST underwater.

Here's my list:
-UK Light Cannon (not including the one I ruined when I flooded it)
-2 Princeton Tec "Surge" backup lights
-1 lobster bag with four nice lobsters in it. (The handle broke.I sure hope it was found or they found their way out)
-"Scout" transmitter for underwater navigation

Yes, I found a few things here and there, they they are worth FAR less than the things I've lost.

Please share your losses!

My best,

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