
CHAMBER CHALLENGE 2010 - UPDATE #4 - $12,025

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Posted by Chamber Day Committee on March 27, 2010 at 11:39:59:

CHAMBER CHALLENGE 2010 - UPDATE #4 - $12,025 (posted 3/27/10 - last updated 3/24/10)

Wow!!! We surged past $12,000!!!

Last update, we showed how a few large contributors can leap-frog our total ahead. This time, we take the same general theme with $100 donations.

But we start by saluting another Silver sponsor. That would be our good friends the Shecklers, better known as California Diving News & The Scuba Show. They not only (once again) support our Chamber through their Challenge donation, but also (again) will be attending Chamber Evening.

We should also in this update point out the value or corporate matching contributions. Angi Burkard made a $200 Challenge donation and also got $25 dollars in daytime raffle tickets. Her firm (Conoco-Phillips) will match that total donation dollar-for-dollar. So Angi's $225 becomes $450. So see if your company has some sort of a matching grant policy in place because it's a way for you to double the value of your donation to our Chamber.

But this update really does underscore how important all those $100 pledges are because they add up to help us forge ahead in our overall total and help solidify our goal of keeping our Chamber financially sounds.

So whether it's $100, $500, $1000, or more . . .who’s next? Who will help push us past $13,000?

CHAMBER CHALLENGE 2010 - $12,025 total (Updated 3/27/10 @ 11AM - last updated 3/24)
(New donors are in bold type and marked with an asterisk)

Gold ($1,000 and up)
The Herndon family
Robert Wagner
Sport Chalet
Pacific Wilderness Dive Club
John Delaney
Laurie Kasper & Ken Kurtis

Silver ($500-999)
* California Diving News & The Scuba Show
Karl Huggins

Bronze ($100-499)
* In memory of Fran Ollweiler
* Angele Burkard
* Conoco-Phillips match
* Larry Blackman
* Kevin Augarten
*Derek & Debbie Karimoto
* Frank Huntley
* www.divematrix.com
* Sue Ollweiler
* Gary Sanders
Jerry Nickelsburg
Randy Barker
Great Escape Charters
Kommander Kodi
Stephen Benavides
Blue Water Divers
In memory of Robert W. Myers
Susy Horowitz
Chris Rybak
Conoco-Phillips (matching grant)

Ken Kurtis
Chairman, Chamber Day/Eve 2010
& the entire Chamber Day 2010 Committee

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