
Remember me? I finally got in the water again!

Scuba Diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by Max Bottomtime on March 28, 2010 at 15:30:14:

Merry and I have been battling bronchitis since the end of January. After visiting the Doctor and pharmacy last week I felt well enough to attempt a dive today...sort of. I managed to make an entire dive without coughing. I needed to know if I could clear, but also wanted to try an experiment with my drysuit. I removed the wrist seals in early January and mounted dry glove rings directly to the suit. I've been waiting to test it, and it passed with flying colors. No water entered the suit, but more importantly, no more replacing wrist seals.
We arrived at Buchanan's Reef to find water clear enough to see a large school of blacksmith eating plankton just under the surface. I dropped down through them and was happy to find twenty feet of visibility on the reef. There were not many nudibranchs out as I expected, but I did see something unexpected. I found my second triggerfish at Marineland. The last one was several years ago. He dashed into a hole under a rock, so I had to move both strobes close to the lens just to get my only backscatter-filled shot.

I didn't find any Bruce anchors as I had hoped, but came across a few others. Buchanan's is an anchor magnet.

I spent the dive exploring a small area of the reef. There were plenty of other fish and a few nudibranchs, as well as the usual sponges, hydroids and gorgonians.

I hope Merry feels well enough to dive next week. This is the longest she has been out of the water. I'm happy that my dry spell is now over.

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