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Posted by Chamber Day Committee on April 20, 2010 at 11:38:13:

Did you know that you can buy Chamber Day and Chamber Eve t-shirts on-line ahead of time?

If you’re already attending Chamber Day on one of our boats, you are already in line to get one t-shirt as part of your participation. But if you want another t-shirt, either for yourself or a friend, you can get one.

If you’re not diving Chamber Day but would like to have an event t-short, you can also buy one on-line since you don’t have to attend the event to get the t-shirt.

For Chamber Evening, we don’t include a t-shirt. In fact, it’s only in recent years that we’ve put Chamber Evening t-shirts up for sale as originally they were only intended for the Chamber Evening volunteers. But we started getting so many requests for them that a few years ago, we started printing the shirts up (the Ch-Eve logo on a black shirt, long-sleeved, with squid running down the arm) and they were a hit. So we’re offering them again this year.

If you buy one or both of the shirts you can choose to either (1) have them shipped to you for an extra $5, (2) pick them up at the Chamber if you’re doing Chamber Day, or (3) pick them up at the Aquarium if you’re attending Chamber Evening.

But order your Chamber day and Chamber Eve shirts ahead. (Sorry, but this offer does NOT apply to the Flying Dutchman shirt, which is ONLY available when you sign up to be a member of the “Lost Crew” of the Flying Dutchman.) It’s a great way to support your Chamber and you get a nifty shirt to boot.

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