
July 4th Dive-Eat-Fireworks Special Great Escape

Outer Bamnks diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by Capt. Tim on May 21, 2010 at 10:56:42:

We have room on our July 4th “Dive Eat Boom! Special”: Imagine diving all day at Catalina, followed by a Bar-B-Que in San Pedro when were back at the dock, then we will take a harbor cruise over to Long Beach and watch the Fireworks from the boat.

This trip is the best of both worlds as you get to spend a full day diving at Catalina then when we return feel free to have your family or friends meet you at the dock for a BBQ buffet dinner, then afterwards we’ll motor over to the Queen Mary area and watch the fireworks.

If you do the Catalina dive and the BBQ the cost is $135 for both, for additional guests, just the harbor cruise and BBQ is a steal at $35.

Diving on the Great Escape is a great experience because the boat is very stable being 80' long by 25’ beam. Our crew is made up of experienced divers and the boat has wide private bunks, a few small staterooms, a full sit down galley and grill, 2 heads, 4 hot fresh water showers, a dedicated camera assembly station, fresh water camera rinse tanks, and live game wells.

All dive trips on the GE are “all inclusive” which means that your ticket price includes 3 or more dives, 3000 psi air fills, breakfast served the morning of departure with our “build your own omelets” and fixins. Also included throughout the day are snacks (our delicious Monkey Bread), a full buffet lunch is served, also included are non-alcoholic fountain drinks.

Visit our website to book online via Paypal or call 866-348-3262 for more info.

We are now located at the 22nd Street Landing in San Pedro. Prior to departure feel free to bunk overnight on the boat if that is convenient and parking is free.

Hope to see you on the boat soon, Capt. Tim

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