
Seahunt. I'm Coming Home from Hawaii

Scuba Diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by B. Xavier on July 05, 2010 at 09:51:37:

Hey Seahunt: Guess I was born to dive the kelp. After being in Kona, Hawaii since February, I've decided to come home. My wife of 29 years decided she liked the 68 year old man down the street lots better than me. She's 51. They cheated emotionally and then physically, hundreds of times. Used to walk 1.5 hours each morning together. I watched it all, and kept trying to get her back. Finally I took the advice of some of the local Hawaiians in the gym and gave her her papers. She wouldn't even divorce me. Anyway, I'm bringing my 13 year old boy home with me. No way she ends up with him. I told her if she wanted it to spend money, let's go for it. She backed down because like all cheaters, she wanted the easy way out. My Hawaii lawyer says it might be a case of Pele's Revenge. Well Pele kicked my butt pretty well. Hawaii is a beautiful place. Have dove Honaunau many times and continue to enjoy my last few weeks here. Miraculously, I got a job teaching high school in my old district. A few people really helped me out on this one. Tough year to find a job or be out of work. I'll be going back to Visalia in a few weeks. Teach high school, coach some , and do lots of diving. Hawaii water is the best, but the coral doesn't compare to the kelp forests. Anyway, that's the word from the Big Island. Strange things happen in Hawaii. PS: Found me a cowgirl/horsegirl from the valley and she's great. Works like a man; looks like a woman. Morals even, can you imagine? Nothing serious yet, though.Take care, Brian Xavier

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