
Another wreck dive report

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Posted by Max Bottomtime on July 11, 2010 at 16:35:24:

Merry and I planned to get some video and stills of the morays on the Haggerty's crane this morning, but the Redondo Special was anchored on it. I hope nobody caught all the rubberlips and garibaldis. It's not exactly a game fish site.
We headed over to the Avalon wreck instead. As we were gearing up, an unknown gelatinous critter floated by. I jumped in the water to get a few shots, forgetting that my left dry glove wasn't quite on all the way yet. I also had my weightbelt on with no tank for inflation. Fortunately, I managed to stay afloat.

The temperature at the stern of the Avalon was a toasty 51F. It felt even nicer with my wet glove and no wrist seals.
I managed to get off a few shots before one of my strobes developed a small leak in the battery compartment. It was just enough to make the batteries leak. I cleaned the strobe and sprayed contact cleaner throughout. Hopefully it will not have to go to the camera hospital.

Merry found a tiny bubble crab molt to preserve. She didn't have a collection jar with her so she had to carry it in her hand the entire dive.

Scott and Margaret Webb stopped by. I felt pretty bad about being anchored at the stern, forcing them to dive the bow section. I gave them a Toblerone to make up for it. The sugar went to their heads, though. They thought they could beat us back to the harbor. Fat chance! We blew them out of the water. They even turned around at the harbor entrance. Probably too embarrassed to be seen. :)

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