
Enough, here is the exact Latitude Longitude for the UB

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Posted by Andy S on July 17, 2010 at 20:36:24:

In Reply to: Friday dive on the UB88 posted by Firewalker on July 17, 2010 at 12:45:20:

Latitude 48º7.796’N
Longitude 11º35.010’E

While these numbers may look a bit “off”, trust me they are correct. They are the correct Latitude Longitude for UB1, the first UB constructed in Germany and presently residing fully intact in the basement of Deutsches Museum in Munich (http://www.deutsches-museum.de), billed as the largest Museum of Science and Technology in the world. My wife and I dove her on “air” for a full 90 min. and did a full penetration with no special tech stuff and have lived to tell the tale no less.

Other great sub dives I have safely made, to name a few, are:
the USS Albacore in Portsmouth, NH http://ussalbacore.org/,
the USS Becuna in Philadelphia, PA http://www.phillyseaport.org/ships_becuna.shtml,
the USS Pampanito in San Francisco, http://www.maritime.org/pamphome.htm,
the USS Bowfin in Pearl Harbor http://www.bowfin.org/ and
the USS Torsk in Baltimore, MD http://www.usstorsk.org/

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