
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Dive report; UB88...Seriously

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Posted by tleemay on July 17, 2010 at 22:51:14:

In Reply to: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Dive report; UB88...Seriously posted by Firewalker on July 17, 2010 at 12:53:44:


First off, who are "they"? I wish to speak to them. Are they the
same people who said I air-chiseled out the Cousteau plaque from
the Casino Park and sold it on eBay? Are they the same people
who accused me of "stalking" a local "lunatic" diver out of
jealousy for a 13 day period, camping out in front of his house
waiting in an attempt to ambush him as he went to work - while
during the same time I was almost 5000 miles away from LA working
on a case? Ask the OC Sheriff Dept about how that little
investigation went and who was charged with filing a false
stalking report.

Again you are accusing me of posting something I did not. You
have been told this before over the years when you made the same
accusations in the past. This will be yet another record of yet
another obfuscated accusation.

This is obviously a false flag attack of some kind (Google it),
and you should obviously be hip to it. False attack or not, I do
know the following to be fact;

The time stamp on the post says it was made at 11:45.xx AM
yesterday. At that time of day, we (three of us) were driving
through the N end of Camp Pendleton enroute to SD. That evening
we dove the Yukon with 25 other divers on the Humboldt (Big squid
light nite dive). I was driving, and I assure you I don't have
a 3G cnxctd laptop built into my dash... although that would be

The original Polergiest person is someone purported to be a
member of the CWDs. His name I think is John Horwath or Horvath.
I heard this through a discussion with a group of CWD members I
happened to listen in on at the SCUBA show many years ago at
their booth. One of them said "UB88" - so I paused to listen. To
hear them talk about it, it sounded like a un-named group of
them had dove on the wreck. Some months after the show I did
share this information with someone on this board. Was that info
accurate or just CWD hyperbole I don't know... and I don't really

You want to know where the post came from, ask Chris. I whole
heartedly encourage Chris it provide to you the IP octets the
post originated from so you can see that such a post didn't come
from me, this network subnet, nor my home subnet. I admit I have
been maliciously spoofed before, but I put a stop to that over 18
mos ago when I trapped the front of a certain leased machine set.

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