
Frank - It's NOT the Peacock...

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Posted by Patrick on August 15, 2010 at 21:51:30:

In Reply to: Re: Scorpion Anchorage: Santa Cruz Island July 2010 Report posted by AADIVER on August 08, 2010 at 20:57:14:

the only name that has been truly associated with the vessel is Spirit of America.
And it's doing ok for a wooden vessel. Port side is pretty well gone, but the 3" gun mount is still in position and seems solid. This is as of a couple of documentary dives done 8/12. Water temp was 56 degrees and the vis was in the hazy 20-30 foot range.

Also go several excellent dives on the CUBA. I guess Shark Park is the whole SoCal coast and not just Pt. Bennett and Castle Rock area.

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