
Re: Will painting my kayak spook white sharks away?

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Posted by Captain Kevin on September 23, 2010 at 13:39:45:

In Reply to: Will painting my kayak spook white sharks away? posted by California DFG on September 16, 2010 at 23:36:11:

There were a couple of items in Carrie’s response that I think deserve a little more discussion…

“Most attacks on humans have likely been the result of mistaken identity…” While this has been the main assumed & publicized cause for unprovoked white shark encounters (or any shark for that matter) for many years. However, recent research and data is pointing more and more towards curiosity as the leading cause rather than mistaken identity. Carrie does talk about this later in her response, but I always take issue with the “mistaken identity” cause being thrown out first and foremost.

“Keep in mind that sharks are curious animals WITHOUT sharp eyesight…” Again, I believe that the most recent research and data is showing that sharks, and white sharks specifically, have eyesight that is quite good, and in color. What confounds this issue is whether ambient environmental conditions interfere with the shark’s sight, in the same way it would a human. If you can’t see something 5 feet in front of you, you can’t reasonably identify it at that distance. So they identify it by biting.

I absolutely agree with Carrie’s suggestion that hanging a set of fins of the back is a BAD idea. And the point that having injured, bleeding, dying, struggling fish hanging off the side of the kayak being significant attractors for sharks in general is extremely well taken. If you don’t want sharks around you, don’t have “chum” around you!!

I completely agree with Brad. If you’re that afraid, stay out of the water.

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