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Outer Bamnks diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by Max Bottomtime on October 03, 2010 at 16:28:29:

We were hoping to dive near the archery range in Rancho Palos Verdes this morning, but the water looked like ten million gallons of milk. The surface water at the platform was a deeper green so we took a chance. It was only clear for the first twenty feet. We had about eight feet of visibility at the bottom, so I shot close-ups and macro.
The place is crawling, literally, with crabs.

A decorator crab is wearing the latest fashion of bugula and hydroids.

A Northern Kelp Crab picks at corynactis anemones.

A California scorpionfish showing me the ropes.

Flabellina trilineata

Diaulula sandiegensis

Diaphorodoris lirulatocauda, about 1/16" long.

Polycera tricolor

Facelina stearnsi

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