
Buchanan's Reef and White Point Rock Report

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Posted by Max Bottomtime on October 17, 2010 at 18:09:21:

We finally paid back Dr. John Bibb for taking us to Santa Cruz and Anacapa Islands, although he got the icky end of the stick.
The sea was not as flat as yesterday, and visibility was down quite a bit. We hit Buchanan's Reef first and we were all set up for macro photography. We had to pull our way down the line, as the current was pretty stiff. Even at the bottom, it was difficult to hold still long enough for a photo.
We saw the Ocean Defenders Alliance boat, the Clearwater heading for Marineland and gave them the conditions report. They decided to follow us to White Point Rock. I pulled the net I removed from the reef yesterday and gave it to John and Cameron in the inflatable while the crew of the Clearwater cheered.

Dr. John was probably happy he didn't have to grag that sucker to the surface.

While on the bottom, I circumnavigated the reef to get an idea of its size. It's smaller than I thought, about 50 X 100 feet. Fortunately, it is a fully loaded compact. Nudis, flatworms, rockfish, hydroids, bryozoan, anemones and gorgonian cover nearly every inch of the rock.

John flies over the reef

Vermilion rockfish dart about

California scorpionfish gives me a dirty look

Zooanthids cover a gorgonian

Barnacle among friends

Merry found a large Pseudoceros luteus flatworm

And of course, the nudis...

Flabellina trilineata

Cadlina limbaughorum

Doriopsilla albopunctata

Diaulula sandiegensis

Hermissenda crassicornis

Cadlina luteomarginata

Triopha cataloinae

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