
New camera, finally !

Great Dive Trips at Bargain Prices with the Sea Divers

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Posted by JohnC on October 30, 2010 at 23:10:55:

Last February we lost our Olympus 3010 at Deer Creek on the way to the beach. Nice camera for the price, 240.00 for camera & housing. It had super macro and shot video. It was just right to get to photog bug to bite! Well, after 8 months, we finally bought a new camera (CANON S95) and the new housing (WPDC-38) is on the way!!! WOOHOO!!! This baby has full manual control as well as HD video. Hopefully it won’t be to long before we can acquire a strobe, tray and wet lenses. Anyway, looking forward to shoot fish with a camera again.

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