
Finding Hallaxa

Scuba Diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by Max Bottomtime on August 08, 2011 at 19:12:25:

We went back to the Redondo Barge in search of the tiny blob Merry found yesterday. We looked in the same area and after a minute of close scrutiny, Merry pointed at a discoloration on a rock. I took a closer look and could almost make out its shape. My macro lens got a better look at it.

Hallaxa chani on bugula. That's my fingertip on the left.

The visibility was down to ten feet, so while Merry worked on the Hallaxa I hovered nearby. I found a Pyrosoma atlanticum being devoured by corynactis anemones and thousands of orange cup corals.

We saw a single sea lion and a batray as we began our ascent. While hanging at twenty feet we had a school of sardines circle us for several minutes. Once we were back at the surface, the fun really began.
A brown pelican kicked over to us, hoping we were fishing. He didn't get any bait from us, but he was very patient.

I grabbed my camera out of the housing and before I could take the first shot, a Mola Mola had surfaced near the pelican. Two beggers and no food to give them.

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