
Ch-Day/Eve 2012 - May 2 - SAVE THE DATE!!!!

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Posted by Ch-Day/Eve 2012 on November 15, 2011 at 15:43:27:

Since many of you are now building your 2012 skeds (and since I've already gotten a few calls) I just wanted to remind you that

Wednesday, May 2

will be the date for Chamber Day & Chamber Eve 2012. Please note that we don't start setting up the boat and table sponsorpships until January 3, and we don't open the phone lines for individual reservations until March 1, after the Avalon Cleanup is over. But in general terms, you have right-of-first refusal for what you had in 2011.

Many thanks for your past support and here's hoping Chamber Day & Eve 2012 will be another record-setter!!!

- Ken

Ken Kurtis
Chairman, Chamber Day/Eve
P.O. Box 11634
Beverly Hills, CA 90213

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