
I Killed a Jetfin - Looking for a Single Replacement

Great Dive Trips at Bargain Prices with the Sea Divers

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Posted by Patrick on January 29, 2012 at 14:49:28:

Somehow, after years of dependable service in commercial, scientific and sport diving, I found the limit on my ScubaPro Jetfins. I have had them stolen and lost a few, had a pair burn up in a garage fire, but never broke one. On an Anacapa dive last Friday I managed to break the massive edge rail on one of the fins. No obvious damage preceded the failure, but fail it did.

If any one has a single X-Large Scubapro jetfin that they would be willing to part with, please contact me at the email above - just remove the "squiddy."

Dive conditions on Friday were very nice despite the predicted winds. Though there was some wind activity, swell was not bad and UW vis on the south side of the island ranged from 20 -40 feet and about 53-degrees. Still a fair amount of planktonic material in the water column.

A Saturday dive in SM Bay, was just flat out fun - great on the surface, but a bit of a challenge at depth. Vis ran about 6-10 dark-green feet with temps in the 51-53° range. Bugs were out and three divers took 18 critters. Conditions for photography was not optimal.

Stay wet.

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