
That's the way, uh-huh uh-huh I like it

Great Dive Trips at Bargain Prices with the Sea Divers

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Posted by Max Bottomtime on January 29, 2012 at 18:35:59:

We thought about cancelling our dives with Kevin Lee after looking at milky water all day yesterday, but figured we might get more than the three or four feet vis we expected. We got much more. We dropped anchor on one of the Redondo Artificial reefs and Merry gave a big thumbs up from the bow. We could easily see fifteen feet down the line and there was no dirty layer in the water column this time.
As we hit the reef we spread out in search of photo subjects. I found another octopus nest and called Kevin over. Merry was on the rock pile looking at lobsters...everywhere.
After a short dive we discussed where to head next. We were getting bored of the barge, Avalon, crane, landing craft and Flat Rock, and I didn't feel like wasting gas to look for clean water on the south side. It was decided to hit the pilings off the Topaz jetty.
The line I tied last month was broken. I followed it and found that someone had pulled it tight and wrapped it around some kelp. I untwisted the line and wrapped it around a third piling, then headed back to the first one. The line was now too short, so I added twenty feet of cave line. I'll re-lay the line soon and add one or two more pilings. I'm hoping to have a loop between five pilings so divers can find the easily them from the beach.
As I was about to end my dive, Merry came over and took me to see a nudibranch she found. It turned out to be our first Catriona columbiana sighting! Kevin said he's found several, all at Vet's. What a brat!
I found something that I can't identify. Anyone have a clue what this is?

Ready to dive

Merry's Catriona columbiana

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