
Dive Report: San Miguel Island with the Sea Divers

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Posted by Chris on April 22, 2012 at 22:41:18:

On Saturday April 21, 2012 I went with the Sea Divers to San Miguel Island, California aboard the Peace.

When we left at midnight it was so calm I could not tell when we left the harbor. The Captain took us on a straight path to the passage between Santa Rosa and San Miguel Islands.

Out first dive was at Crook Point. The visibility was about 35 feet and the water was 50°F at 90 feet.

Balanophyllia elegans (Orange Cup Coral) & Calliostoma annulatum (Purple-ringed Top Snail)
Balanophyllia elegans (Orange Cup Coral) & Calliostoma annulatum (Purple-ringed Top Snail)

Small Crab

Doriopsilla albopunctata
Doriopsilla albopunctata

Corynactis californica (Club-tipped Anemone, Strawberry Anemone)
Corynactis californica (Club-tipped Anemone, Strawberry Anemone)

Peltodoris nobilis
Peltodoris nobilis

Dendronotus albus
Dendronotus albus

Our next dive was at Wychoff Ledge. Again the water was 50°F and the visibility was about 40 feet except in the clouds of krill. In some places the krill was so thick I could not see my hand in front of my face and I could feel them bouncing off the exposed portions pf my cheeks and forehead.

Small Shrimp & Paracyathus stearnsi (Brown Cup Coral)
Small Shrimp & Paracyathus stearnsi (Brown Cup Coral)


Urticina lofotensis (White-Spotted Rose Anemone) eating a Asterina miniata (Bat Star)

Crassadoma gigantea (Rock Scallop)
Crassadoma gigantea (Rock Scallop)

Our third dive was at Point Bennett a.k.a. Shark Park. Again 50°F and 40 foot visibility with little less krill than Wychoff Ledge.

Mediaster aequalis (Vermilion Star, Red Sea Star)
Mediaster aequalis (Vermilion Star, Red Sea Star)

Urticina piscivora
Urticina piscivora

Cadlina luteomarginata
Cadlina luteomarginata

Idotea resecata (Kelp Isopod)
Idotea resecata (Kelp Isopod)

Our last dive was at The Bluffs. The water here was 51°F and the visibility was the best of the day.

Doto kya on Aglaophenia struthionides (Ostrich-plumed Hydroid)
Doto kya on Aglaophenia struthionides (Ostrich-plumed Hydroid)

Two Doto kya laying eggs on Aglaophenia struthionides (Ostrich-plumed Hydroid)

Diaulula sandiegensis
Diaulula sandiegensis

Epiactis prolifera (Brooding Anemone)
Epiactis prolifera (Brooding Anemone)

Dendrochiton thamnoporus
Dendrochiton thamnoporus

arapholas californica (California Piddock, Scale-Sided Piddock)
arapholas californica (California Piddock, Scale-Sided Piddock)

After the fourth dive we had a great Mexican style lunch and had plenty of time to for the 6 hour ride home.

It was another great Sea Divers trip. Please consider joining us for our next dive.

©2012 Chris Grossman, diver.net

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