
Re: Re: Re: Spearfishing books & Marineland

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Posted by seahunt on May 19, 2012 at 18:12:48:

In Reply to: Re: Re: Spearfishing books & Marineland posted by SDM on May 19, 2012 at 08:47:05:

Do you know he had a rock collection...
I know (think) that he taught at the University of Hawaii.
He discovered and named two species of whale and rediscovered a pinneped. He did think that "pillow Headed Whale" was a dumb name, but that's what he called it.
Then there was the Pink Polka Dotted Dolphin that he thought was a new specie, but that was before he understood about the
cookie cutter shark.
He then taught at UC Santa Cruz. He had an interesting comment that he didn't think the university knew, when as part of the
deal to move him, that they moved the rock collection. It sounded pretty substantial.
He was the kind of instructor that you took what classes he offered whether they were what you were looking for or not.
He would write his "platitude for the day" on the chalk board. Comtemplate it and you would gain wisdom about biology.
He did pass away, but is certainly remembered by many, including my sister and I that were both his students.
Enjoy the diving, seahunt

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