
Re: Such a different time. Such a good time! (-)

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Posted by Divebum Don on May 20, 2012 at 02:12:36:

In Reply to: Such a different time. Such a good time! (-) posted by seahunt on May 19, 2012 at 18:16:40:

Indeed a different time and a good time. Growing up in Manhattan Bch, MOP was a standard annual "Field Trip" for all us kids. I always LOVED it! and "Sea Hunt" series didn't hurt ;~) Joining the LAC Junior Frogman program in the mid 70's I became enthralled with all things underwater.

As a "grown up" I'm on the fence about the balance between aquariums and education, keeping critters in a cage or pool as opposed to in their natural habitat bugz me. But as I often post, you can't fall in love with something AND want to protect it if you're not exposed to it...

I hate any caged critters, as well as trained marine mammals for entertainment (or Naval Warfare) It jerks my chain. The memories are awesome, but once as a youngster getting bit by an "enclosed Dolphin" changed my mind about what we all need to do for the marine critters we all love, admire and respect. These are not pets or warm and fuzzy, these critters (IMO) are not happy with the stupid roundy'round pool we put them in...

I loved diving the Ol'Marineland Pier and site, but I'm not a fan of all the prevalent "Diving with Dolphins" tourist BS today.

Jus' my 2 cents?
Be Safe Out There!

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