
Breaking News! We had great vis today!

Great Dive Trips at Bargain Prices with the Sea Divers

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Posted by Max Bottomtime on July 07, 2012 at 21:02:15:

After a couple weeks of brown water, we didn't have a particular dive plan today. While motoring around on the west side of Palos Verdes we decided to check out the Topaz pilings off Redondo Beach. Our plan was to bounce dive it when we saw the dirty water on the sand. To our great surprise, we could easily see thirty feet vertically and twenty to twenty-five feet horizontally.
Kevin Lee found a new nudibranch, Merry shot macro with my 90mm lens and I attempted to shoot video.
There was a constant southerly current pushing the algae around, so critter shots were tough. Everything at Redondo Beach is small and near the sand. At one point I decided to make it a drift dive. I floated for about fifty feet before I reached the anchor.
After surfacing from our second dive we were greeted by Scott and Margaret Webb and Jim Lyle who took the surface shots.
The thermocline was at eighteen feet, dropping the water temperature to a nice 51° at sixty feet.

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