
PV Deep Blue and the Redondo Barge

Outer Bamnks diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by WalterMarti on July 07, 2012 at 22:32:14:

After reading Team Bottomtime's last bunch of dive reports, we thought the vis would suck. We were wrong.

Two dives in the deep blue waters off of Palos Verde Pennisula. Great vis on top, crud layer 40 - 75 feet, then good vis. Lots of cool critters deep. Mostly Cyclosalpas in shalllow. Then off of the barge just outside of Redondo harbor. Similar visibily conditons, the crud layer was 30 to 65'. There was a thermocline at the barge, 52 degrees, but great vis. Someone must have let a ton of nudibranchs loose on the barge. I'm glad I had my wideangle for the vis, but wish I had a macro setup for the nudibranchs. Well gotta go again.

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