
Merry's 500th Dive

Scuba Diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by Max Bottomtime on July 28, 2012 at 19:24:29:

After bad surface conditions two weeks ago and a sinus infection all of last week, it was good to get back in the water today. We celebrated Merry's graduation from Newbie to real diver this morning with her 500th dive. We hoped Hawthorne Reef would give us some interesting finds. Kevin Lee dropped right down next to an Ancula gibbosa, a nudibranch that I've only seen once. Merry got some really nice photos while I shot some mediocre video.
The swells began to pick up, so we headed to the Redondo Barge. Visibility was down quite a bit from our last dive here. We checked out five octopus nests, but none of the eggs are developing. The water was a brisk 51-52° at both sites.
I'm hoping to get in a midweek dive to practice still photography before next week. Merry and I will be making our first warm water trip together in Cozumel. I imagine we'll have better vis there.

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